Faraj M, Beauregard G, Loizon E, Moldes M, Clément K, Tahiri Y, Cianflone K, Vidal H and Rabasa-Lhoret R. Insulin Regulation of Gene Expression and Concentrations of White Adipose Tissue-Derived Proteins in vivo in Healthy Men: Relation to Adiponutrin. J Endocrinol. 2006 Nov; 191(2): 427-35
Tahiri Y, Karpe F, Tan G D, Cianflone K. Roziglitazone decreases postprandial production and Acylation Stimulating Protein in type II. Nutri Metab (Lond). 2007 May; 4: 11
Tahiri Y. Impressions on an Elective Abroad, McGill J Med. 2008 Jan; 11(1): 7-8
Paglialunga S, Julien P, Tahiri Y, Cadelis F, Bergeron J, Gaudet D, Cianflone K. Lipprotein lipase deficiency is associated with elevated acylation stimulating protein (ASP) plasma levels. J Lipid Res. 2009 Jun; 50 (6): 1109-19
Silver E, Hofmann A, Srolovitz H, Tahiri Y, Khanna M. Large Amelanotic Melanoma and Vitiligo. Archives of Dermatology. 2009 Oct; 145 (10): 1198-9
Tahiri Y, Hamelin N, Brutus J-B. Herpes Zoster in the median nerve distribution. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2010 Feb; 63 (2): e195-6
Tahiri Y, Bouteaud J, Tahiri M, Lessard L, Williams HB, Nikolis A. Routine drainage in reduction mammaplasty: an evidence-based analysis. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2010 Jun; 63 (6): e549-50
Lee J, Sinno H, Perkins A, Tahiri Y, Luc M. 14 000 Volt Electrical Injury to Bilateral Upper Extremities: a Case report. McGill J Med. 2010 Jul; 13 (1): 18-21
Tahiri Y, James L, Tahiri M, Sinno H, Williams HB, Lessard L, Gilardino MS. Pre-operative diplopia: the most important risk factor for diplopia following surgical repair of pure orbital blowout fracture. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2010 Jul; 21 (4): 1038-41
Schwarz K, Tahiri Y. Subcutaneous pre-expansion of mastectomy flaps prior to breast reconstruction with DIEP flaps — eliminating the patch-like appearance and improved aesthetic outcomes. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2011 Feb; 66 (2): 124-7
Tahiri Y. Master Thesis: Improving Breast Reconstruction Outcomes: an Evidence-Based Analysis. Department of Experimental Surgery, McGill University, May 2011
Sinno H, Tahiri Y, Gilardino M, Bobyn D. Engineering Alloplastic Temporomandibular Joint Replacements. McGill J Med. 2011 Jun; 13 (1): 63-72
St-Supery V, Tahiri Y, Sampalis J, Brutus JP, Harris PG, Nikolis A. Wound Healing Assessment: Does the Ideal Methodology for a Research Setting Exist? Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2011 August; 67 (2): 193-200
Lee J, Sinno H, Tahiri Y, Gilardino M. Treatment options for cutaneous pyogenic granuloma: a review. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2011 Sept; 64 (9): 1216-20
Nikolis A, Tahiri Y, St-Supery V, Landes G, Harris PG, Lessard L, Sampalis J. Use of IV heparin in digital replantation and revascularization: the Quebec Provincial Replantation Program Experience. Microsurgery. 2011 Sept; 31 (6): 421-7
Sinno H, Thibaudeau S, Tahiri Y, Mok E, Christodoulou G, Lessard L, Williams HB, Lin SJ. Utility Assessment of Body Contouring after Massive Weight Loss. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2011 Oct; 35 (5): 724-30
Tahiri Y, De QH Tran D, Bouteaud J, Liqin Xu, Lalonde D, Luc M, Nikolis A. General anesthesia vs. thoracic paravertebral block for breast surgery: a meta-analysis. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2011 Oct; 64 (10): 1261-9
Tahiri Y, Perreault I, Payette A, Dubois MJ. A third degree burn to the neck associated with episodes of bradycardia and asystole. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2012 Feb; 65 (2): 256-257
Tahiri Y, Kanevsky J, Vorstenbosch J, Mok E, Gilardino M. Disclosure of Funding Source and Conflict of Interest: Exposure of Biases Affecting Evidence and Clinical Utility of Plastic Surgery Publications. Eur J Plast Surg. 2012 June; 35 (6): 457-62
Sinno H, Ibrahim AM, Izadpanah A, Thibaudeau S, Christodoulou G, Tahiri Y, Salvin AS, Lin SJ. Utility Outcome Assessment of the Aging Neck Following Massive Weight Loss. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2012 July; 147 (1): 26-32
Sinno H, Tahiri Y, Thibaudeau S, Izadpanah A, Christodoulou G, Lin SJ, Gilardino MS. Cleft Lip and Palate: an Objective Measure Outcome Study. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 Aug; 130 (2): 408-414
Sinno H, Lutfy J, Tahiri Y, Neel OF, Gilardino M. Reporting disclosures to the reader in plastic surgery journal publications. Can J Plast Surg. 2012 Fall; 20 (3): e35-6
Sinno H, Izadpanah A, Thibaudeau S, Christodoulou G, Tahiri Y, Slavin AS, Lin SJ. The Impact of Living with Functional and Aesthetic Nasal Deformity Following Primary Rhinoplasty: a Utility Score Assessment. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2012 Oct; 69 (4): 431-4
Sinno H, Thibaudeau S, Izadpanah A, Tahiri Y, Christodoulou G, Zuker R, Lin SJ. Utility Outcome Scores for Unilateral Facial Paralysis. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2012 Oct; 69 (4): 435-8
Tahiri Y, Salhi S, Sinno H, Luc M. Medical students appreciating the global impact of cleft lip and palate. McGill J Med, Feb 2012
Lee J, Tahiri Y, Roy A.A, Lessard L. Delayed Repair of Lateral Orbital Wall and Orbital Floor Fracture. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery – “Dr. Joseph Murray Special Issue”. 2013 Jan; 24 (1): 34-7
Lessard L and Tahiri Y. Complex scalp, skull and dural defect reconstruction using a turnover “tournedos” myocutaneous free flap. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery – “Dr. Joseph Murray Special Issue”. 2013 Jan; 24 (1): 62-5
Al-Ajmi H, Tahiri Y, Jamal B, Gilardino M. Montreal Children’s Hospital Formula for Nasoalveolar Molding Cleft Therapy. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Feb; 131 (2): 349-53
Sinno H, Izadpanah A, Tahiri Y, Christodoulou G, Thibaudeau S, Williams HB, Slavin SA, Lin SJ. The Impact of Living with Severe Lower Extremity Lymphedema: A Utility Outcomes Score Assessment. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2013 March 21. (Epub ahead of Print)
Tahiri Y, Lee J, Kanevsky J, Thibaudeau S, Gilardino M. The Differing Perceptions of Plastic Surgery Between Potential Applicants and Current Trainees: The Importance of Clinical Exposure and Electives for Medical Students. Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Autumn 2013; 21 (3): 178-180
Tahiri Y, Xu L, Kanevsky J, Luc M. Lipofibromatous Hamartoma of the Median Nerve: a Comprehensive Review and Systematic Approach to the Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment. Journal of Hand Surgery. 2013 Oct; 38 (10): 2055-2067
Hsu VM, Tahiri Y, Wilson AJ, Grady SM, Taylor JA. A preliminary report on the use of antibiotics-impregnated methyl metacrylate in salvage cranioplasty. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2014 March; 25 (2): 393-6
Tahiri Y, Viezel-Mathieu A, Aldekhayel S, Lee J, Gilardino M. The Effectiveness of Mandibular Distraction in Improving Airway Obstruction in the Pediatric Population. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 March; 133 (3): 352e-9e
Hsu VM, Tahiri Y, Wes AM, Chan C, Selber JC, Nelson J, Kovach SJ, Serletti JM, Wu LC. Does Breast Reconstruction Impact the Decision of Patients to Pursue Cosmetic Surgery? Accepted Annals of Plastic Surgery. April 2014
Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Vossough A, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA. The Spheno-Occipital Synchondrosis Fuses Prematuraly in Patients with Crouzon Syndrome and Midface Hypoplasia Compared to Age/Gender-matched Controls. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014 June; 72 (6): 1173-9
Taylor JA, Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Heuer GG. A new approach for the treatment of Unilateral Coronal Synostosis based on distraction osteogenesis. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 July; 134 (1): 176e-178e
Wink JD, Paliga JT, Tahiri Y, Goldstein JA, Taylor JA, Bartlett SP. Maxillary Involvement in Hemifacial Microsomia: an Objective Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Craniofacial Skeleton. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2014 July; 25 (4): 1236-1240
Paine KP, Tahiri Y, Wes A, Fischer JP, Paliga JT, Taylor JA. Patient Risk Factors for Ambulatory Cleft Lip Repair: an Outcome and Cost Analysis. Accepted Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 August; 134 (2): 275e-282e
Tahiri Y. Reply to “ Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis in Syndromic Pediatric Patients: The Florentine Center Experience”. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Sep; 134(3): 487e
Hsu VM, Wes AM, Tahiri Y, Cornman-Homonoff J, Percec I. Quantified Facial Soft Tissue Strain in Animation Measured by Real-Time Dynamic Three-Dimensional Imaging. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery-Go. 2014, 2(9): e211
Paliga JT, Tahiri Y, Silvestre J, Taylor JA. Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children treated at a Major Craniofacial Center. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2014 Sept; 25 (5): 1762-1765
Tahiri Y, Taylor JA. An Update on Midface Advancement Using Lefort II and III Distraction Osteogenesis. Seminars in Plastic Surgery. 2014 Nov; 28: 184-192
Silvestre J, Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Taylor JA. Incidence of positive screening for obstructive sleep apnea for patients with isolated cleft lip and/or palate. Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2014 Winter; 22(4): 259-63
Taylor JA, Paliga JT, Wes AM, Tahiri Y, Goldstein J, Whitaker LA, Bartlett S. A critical evaluation of long-term aesthetic outcomes fronto-orbital advancement and cranial vault remodeling in the treatment of non-syndromic unicoronal craniosynostosis. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery. 2015 Jan; 135(1): 220-31
Tuin AJ, Tahiri Y, Paine KM, Paliga JT, Taylor JA, Bartlett SP. Clarifying the relationships between the different features of the OMENS + classification in Craniofacial Microsomia. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery. 2015 Jan; 135(1): 149e-56e
Paliga JT, Tahiri Y, Wink JD, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA. Cranial Base Deviation in Hemifacial Microsomia: an Objective Craniometric Analysis. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2015 Jan; 26 (1): e61-4
Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA. New-Onset Craniosynostosis Following Posterior Vault Distraction Osteogenesis. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2015 Jan; 26 (1): 176-9
Tahiri Y, Taylor JA. In support of using Computer-Aided Design and Modeling (CAD/CAM) for peri-orbital osteotomies. Accepted Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2015 Jan; 26 (1): 100-3
Tahiri Y, Chang C, Tuin J, Paliga JT, Lowe KS, Taylor JA, Bartlett SP. Costochondral Grafting in Craniofacial Microsomia. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery. 2015 Feb; 135 (2): 530-541
Tahiri Y, Tholpady S, Sood R, Flores RL. Reply to: A Modified V-Y Chondromucosal Composite Flap for Correction of Secondary Cleft Nasal Deformity: Photogrammetric Analysis of a Case-Control Study. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery. 2015 Feb; 135 (2): 455e-456e
Tahiri Y, Fischer JP, Wink JA, Paine KM, Paliga JT, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA. Analysis of risk factors associated with 30-day readmissions following pediatric plastic surgery – a review of 5,376 procedures. Accepted Plastic Reconstructive Surgery. 2015 Feb; 135 (2): 521-529
Paine KM, Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Taylor JA. Simultaneous Unicoronal and Sagittal Distraction Osteogenesis for the Treatment of Non-Syndromic Multisutural Craniosynostosis. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2015 Jan; 26 (1): 214-6
Silvestre J, Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Taylor JA. Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children with Syndromic Cleft Lip and/or Palate. Accepted J Plast Reconstr Aesth Surg, July 2014
Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Wes AM, Whitaker LA, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA. A comparative analysis of perioperative complications associated with intracranial procedures in patients with non-syndromic single suture craniosynostosis. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2015 Jan; 26(1): 118-23
Samra F, Paliga JT, Tahiri Y, Whitaker LA, Bartlett SP, Forbes B, Taylor JA. The Prevalence of Strabismus in Unilateral Coronal Synostosis. Accepted Childs Nervous System. October 2014
Paine KM, Paliga JT, Tahiri Y, Fischer JP, Taylor JA. An Assessment of 30-Day Complications in Primary Cleft Palate Repair – A Review of the 2012 ACS NSQIP Pediatric. Accepted Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal. December 2014
Paine KM, Tahiri Y, Wes AM, Wink JD, Fischer JP, Gelder CH, Taylor JA. An Assessment of 30-Day Complications in Primary Cleft Lip Repair – A Review of the 2012 Pediatric ACS-NSQIP Dataset. Accepted Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal. December 2014
Costa M, Ackerman L, Tholpady SS, Greathouse ST, Tahiri Y, Flores RL . Spring-Assisted Cranial Vault Expansion in the Setting of Multisutural Craniosynostosis and Anomalous Venous Drainage. J Neurosurg: Pediatrics. 2015 Jul; 16 (1): 80-5
Tahiri Y, Kanevsky J, Vorstenbosch J, Lee J, Schwarz K. Fat injection to correct contour deformities of the reconstructed breast: a single surgeon experience. Accepted Plast Aesthet Res. March 2015
Tahiri Y, Bastidas N, McDonald-McGinn DM, Birgfeld C, Zackai EH, Taylor JA, Bartlett SP. A New Pattern of Sutural Synostosis Associated with TWIST Gene Mutation and Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome: Peace Sign Synostosis. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2015 Jul; 26 (5): 1564-7
Tuin AJ, Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Taylor JA, Bartlett SP. Distinguishing Goldenhar Syndrome from Craniofacial Microsomia. Accepted Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2015 Sep; 26(6): 1887-92
Flores RL, Greathouse ST, Costa M, Tahiri Y, Soleimani T, Tholpady SS. Defining failure and its predictors in mandibular distraction for Robin sequence. Accepted Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. 2015 Oct; 43(8): 1614-9
Tahiri Y, Swanson J, Taylor JA. Distraction osteogenesis versus conventional fronto-orbital advancement for the treatment of Unilateral Coronal Synostosis: A comparison of peri-operative morbidity and short-term outcomes. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2015 Sep; 26(6): 1904-8
Gallagher S, Ferrera A, Spera L, Eppley B, Soleimani T, Tahiri Y, Sood R, Flores RL, Wooden WA, Tholpady SS. Utility of tongue stitch and nasal trumpet in the immediate post-operative outcome in cleft palatoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016 Feb; 137 (2): 569-73
Thawani JP, Nayak NR, Pisapia JM, Tahiri Y, Gebbia J, Adzick NS, Sutton LN, Taylor JA, Heuer GG. Myofascial Closure of Intradural Inclusion Cysts following in utero Myelomeningocele Repair. Pediatr Neurosurg. 2015; 50 (5): 286-90
Duquette S, Soleimani T, Hartman B, Tahiri Y, Sood R, Tholpady S. Does Payer Type Influence Pediatric Burn Outcomes? A National Study Using the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Kids’ Inpatient Database. J Burn Care Res. 2015 Aug 17. [Epub ahead of print]
Aldekhayel S, Govshievich A, Lee J, Tahiri Y, Luc M. Endoscopic vs. cubital tunnel release: a systematic review and meta-analysis. HAND. 2015. [Epub ahead of print]
Greathouse ST, Costa M, Ferrera A, Tahiri Y, Tholpady SS, Havlik RJ, Flores RL. The Surgical Treatment of Robin Sequence. Ann Plast Surg. 2015 Sep 28. [Epub ahead of print]
Tahiri Y, Greathouse ST, Tholpady SS, Sood R, Havlik R, Flores RL. Mandibular distraction osteogenesis in the very small with Robin Sequence: Is it safe? Plastic Reconstructive Surgery. 2015 Nov; 136(5): 1037-44
Soleimani T, Greathouse ST, Sood R, Tahiri Y, Tholpady SS. Epidemiology and resource utilization in pediatric facial fractures. J Surg Res. 2016 Feb; 200 (2): 648-54
Tahiri Y, Fleming TM, Greathouse ST, Tholpady SS. Analysis of the 50 most cited papers in craniofacial surgery. Journal Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. 2015 Dec; 43 (10): 2152-7.
Invited Oral Presentations
Tahiri Y, Bennani O, Maaroufi A, Mechakra S. Internet et Médecine. XXIèmes Journées Internationales, 2006, Casablanca, Morocco
Lemaine V, Harris P, Landes G, Tahiri Y, Chollet A, Brutus J-P, Nikolis A. Re-operation rate following a replantation or revascularization in the Quebec Provincial Replantation Program (PUPR). Les 35es Journees Scientifiques du Departement de Chirurgie, 2007, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC
Lemaine V, Harris P, Landes G, Tahiri Y, Chollet A, Brutus J-P, Nikolis A. Re-operation rate following a replantation or revascularization in the Quebec Provincial Replantation Program (PUPR). 61st Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting (CSPS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2007, Volume 15, Number 2, Page 115, Abstract RP07
Tahiri Y, Harris PG, Landes G, Lemaine V, Brutus J-P, Nikolis A. Anticoagulation in digital revascularization and replantation surgery: a complete analysis of beneficial and detrimental effects. 36th American Association for Hand Surgery Meeting (AAHD). Hand, 2008 June; 3(2): 159–195
Lemaine V, Landes G, Harris PG, Chollet A, Tahiri Y, Nikolis A. Rate of reoperation following digital replantation and revascularization surgery in a designated University Replantation Program. 36th American Association for Hand Surgery Meeting (AAHD). Hand, 2008 June; 3(2): 159–195
Landes G, Lemaine V, Harris PG, Brutus J-P, Tahiri Y, Chollet A, Dionyssopoulos A, Nikolis A. Anticoagulation in digital revascularization and replantation surgery: a complete analysis of beneficial and detrimental effects. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec, 2009, Mont-Tremblant, QC
Tahiri Y, J. Loftus, S. Nicolaidis, P.G. Harris, J-P. Brutus. Outcome of revision surgery for non union of the ulna after ulnar shortening osteotomy. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2009, Mont-Tremblant, QC
Tahiri Y, Nicolas Hamelin, Jean-Paul Brutus. Herpes Zoster in the median nerve distribution : a case report. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2009, Mont-Tremblant, QC
Tahiri Y, Chitte AS, Cheng JC, Hebert G, Desmarais, Noel M-A, Mongrain R, Lessard L. Treatment of deformational posterior plagiocephaly with orthotic cranioplasty. 63rd Canadian Society of Plastic Surgery Meeting (CSPS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery, Summer 2009, Volume 17, Number 2, Page 47, Abstract 27
Tahiri Y, James L, Tahiri M, Sinno H, Williams HB, Lessard L, Gilardino MS. Pre-operative diplopia: the most important risk factor for diplopia following surgical repair of pure orbital blowout fracture. McGill Rocke Robertson Day, 2010, McGill University Health Center, Montreal, QC
St-Supery V, Tahiri Y, Harris PG, Brutus JP, Sampalis J, Nikolis A. Wound Healing Assessment: Does the Ideal Methodology for a Research Setting Exist? Canadian Association of Wound Care, 2010, Quebec City, QC
Lee J, Sinno H, Perkins A, Tahiri Y, Luc M. High-Voltage Electrical Injury to Bilateral Upper Extremities: Case report and review of the Literature. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2010, Quebec City, QC
Tahiri Y, Bouteaud J, Salhi S, Tahiri M, Lessard L, Williams HB, Nikolis A. Routine drainage in reduction mammaplasty: an evidence-based analysis. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2010, Quebec City, QC
Tahiri Y, St-Supery V, Landes G, Sampalis J, Harris PG, Lessard L, Nikolis A. Use of IV heparin in digital replantation and revascularization: a review of the Quebec Provincial Replantation Program and review of the literature. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2010, Quebec City, QC
Tahiri Y, Schwarz K. Subcutaneous pre-expansion of mastectomy flaps prior to breast reconstruction with DIEP flaps — eliminating the patch-like appearance and improved aesthetic outcomes. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2010, Quebec City, QC
Tahiri Y, James L, Tahiri M, Sinno H, Williams HB, Lessard L, Gilardino MS. Pre-operative diplopia: the most important risk factor for diplopia following surgical repair of pure orbital blowout fracture. 21st Fraser Gurd Research Day, 2010, McGill University Health Center, Montreal, QC
Tahiri Y, St-Supery V, Landes G, Sampalis J, Harris PG, Lessard L, Nikolis A. Use of IV heparin in digital replantation and revascularization: a review of the Quebec Provincial Replantation Program and review of the literature. 55th Plastic Surgery Research Council Meeting (PSRC). Plastic and Reconstructive Surg. May 2010, Volume 125, Number 6S, Page 45, Abstract 59C
Lee J, Kanevsky J, Sinno H, Perkins A, Tahiri Y, Luc M. High-Voltage Electrical Injury to Bilateral Upper Extremities: Case report and review of the Literature. 64th Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting. The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2010, Volume 18, Number 2, Page 69, Abstract P12
Lee J, Sinno H, Tahiri Y, A. Perkins, Gilardino M. An Algorithmic approach to the management of Pyogenic Granuloma: a 60-year review. 64th Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting. The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2010, Volume 18, Number 2, Page 73, Abstract RP15
Sinno H, Sheppard S, Badran H, Tahiri Y, Lessard L. Phospodiesterase III inhibitor – Milrinone – effects on ischemia/reperfusion injury and potential use in free flaps. 64th Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting (CSPS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2010, Volume 18, Number 2, Page 82, Abstract P2
Tahiri Y, James L, Tahiri M, Sinno H, Williams HB, Lessard L, Gilardino MS. Pre-operative diplopia: the most important risk factor for diplopia following surgical repair of pure orbital blowout fracture. 64th Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting (CSPS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2010, Volume 18, Number 2, Page 57, Abstract 54
Tahiri Y, St-Supery V, Landes G, Sampalis J, Harris PG, Lessard L, Nikolis A. The use of IV heparin in digital replantation and revascularization: a review of the Quebec Provincial Replantation Program and review of the literature. 64th Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting (CSPS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2010, Volume 18, Number 2, Page 47, Abstract 19
Sinno H, Tahiri Y, Gilardino M, Bobyn D. Alloplastic Temporomandibular Joint Replacements. 64th Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting (CSPS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2010, Volume 18, Number 2, Page 60, Abstract 63
Tahiri Y, Schwarz K. Subcutaneous pre-expansion of mastectomy flaps prior to breast reconstruction with DIEP flaps — eliminating the patch-like appearance and improved aesthetic outcomes. 64th Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting (CSPS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2010, Volume 18, Number 2, Page 60, Abstract 62
Sinno H, Izadpanah A, Thibodeau S,Christodoulou G, Tahiri Y, Williams HB, Lin SJ. Utility score of rhinoplasty after nasal deformity. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2011, Montreal, QC
Rizis D, Kvann J, Tahiri Y, Sampalis J, Lessard L, Tremblay DM, Karellis A, Nikolis A. Leech therapy in digital replantation / revascularization : the Quebec Provincial Reimplantation Program’s experience. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2011, Montreal, QC
Sinno H, Thibaudeau S, Tahiri Y, Mok E, Christodoulous G, Williams HB, Lin SJ. Utility Assessment of Body Contouring after Massive Weight Loss. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2011, Montreal, QC
Tahiri Y, Vorstenbosch J, Kanevsky J, Winocour S, Sinno H, Lessard L, Gilardino M. The Relationship between Funding Sources and Level of Evidence in Plastic Surgery Research. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2011, Montreal, QC
Tahiri Y, Xu L, Bouteaud J, Lalonde D, Tran D.Q, Sinno H, Luc M, Nikolis A. General Anesthesia vs. Thoracic paravertebral block for breast surgery: a meta-analysis. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2011, Montreal, QC
Tahiri Y, Christodoulou G, Lee J, Thibaudeau S, Sinno H, Lessard L, Luc M. Plastic Surgery as a Career: Motivating Factors behind Students’ and Residents’ Choice in Choosing Plastic Surgery. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2011, Montreal, QC
Rizis D, Kvann J, Konidis J, Tahiri Y, Sampalis J, Lessard L, Tremblay DM, Nikolis A. Leech therapy in digital replantation / revascularization : the Quebec Provincial Reimplantation Program’s experience. Les 39es Journees Scientifiques du Departement de Chirurgie, 2011, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC
Izadpanah A, Kanevsky J, Vorstenbosch J, Tahiri Y, Sinno H, Gilardino M, Lessard L. Current Trends in Scar Therapy: a Review of the Literature. 16th Congress of the International Confederation of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2011, Volume 19, Supplement A, Page 180 A, Abstract PS237
Sinno H, Thibaudeau S, Tahiri Y, Mok E, Christodoulous G, Williams HB, Lin S.J. Utility Assessment of Body Contouring after Massive Weight Loss. 16th Congress of the International Confederation of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2011, Volume 19, Supplement A, Page 35A, Abstract IO10.13
Lee J, Tahiri Y, Christodoulou G, Thibaudeau S, Sinno H, Lessard L, Luc M. Plastic Surgery as a Career: Motivating Factors behind Students’ and Residents’ Choice in Choosing Plastic Surgery. 16th Congress of the International Confederation of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2011, Volume 19, Supplement A, Page 47A, Abstract IO17.3
Tahiri Y, Kanevsky J, Vorstenbosch J, Winocour S, Sinno H, Lessard L, Gilardino M. The Relationship between Funding Sources and Level of Evidence in Plastic Surgery Research. 16th Congress of the International Confederation of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2011, Volume 19, Supplement A, Page 37A, Abstract IO11.7
Tahiri Y, Xu L, Lalonde D, Tran D.Q, Sinno H, Luc M, Lessard L, Nikolis A. General Anesthesia vs. Thoracic paravertebral block for breast surgery: a meta-analysis. 16th Congress of the International Confederation of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2011, Volume 19, Supplement A, Page 20A, Abstract IO3.4
Rizis D, Tahiri Y, Lessard L, Sampalis J, Kvann J, Konidis J, Tremblay D, Nikolis A. Leech Therapy in Digital Replantation/Revascularization: a review of 760 Consecutive Digits. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2011 Oct; 128(4S): 75-6
Nikolis A, Tahiri Y, Lessard L, Rizis D, Konidis J, Cugno S, Landes G, Sampalis J. Five-Year Outcomes Following regionalization of Upper Extremity Devascularization/Amputation Injuries. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2011 Oct; 128(4S): 75
Sinno H, Izadpanah A, Thibaudeau S, Christodoulou G, Tahiri Y, Slavin AS, Lin SJ. The Impact of Living with Functional Nasal Deformity Following Primary Rhinoplasty: a Utility Score Assessment. 28th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons (NESPS), Amelia Island, FL, 2011, Abstract # 78, Page 230
Sinno H, Thibaudeau S, Izadpanah A, Tahiri Y, Christodoulou G, Zuker R, Lin SJ. Utility Scores for Facial Paralysis Requiring Facial Reanimation. 28th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons (NESPS), 2011, Amelia Island, FL, Abstract # 58, Page 188
Tahiri Y, Karunanayake M, Desrosiers F, Luc M. The treatment of intra-articular fractures of the PIP using the Suzuki system: one surgeon experience. McGill Rocke Robertson Day, 2012, McGill University Health Center, Montreal, QC
Tahiri Y, Gilardino M. Breast Reduction in the Young Patient. Practical Problems in Pediatrics. Montreal Children Hospital Annual Grand Rounds, 2012, Montreal, QC
Konidis J, Rizis D, Lessard L, Sampalis J, Tahiri Y, Landes G, Nikolis A. Les infections dans la réimplantation / revascularisation digitale. Une revue de 412 cas consécutifs. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2012, Montreal, QC
Sinno H, Tahiri Y, Thibaudeau S, Izadpanah A, Christodoulou G, Lin SJ, Gilardino MS. Living with cleft lip and palate: a health state utility outcomes assessment. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2012, Montreal, QC
Tahiri Y, Karunanayake M, Desrosiers F, Luc M. The treatment of intra- articular fractures of the PIP using the Suzuki system: one surgeon experience. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2012, Montreal, QC
Sinno H, Izadpanah A, Thibaudeau A, Tahiri Y, Lin S, Schwarz K, Schwarz G. Living with Small Breasts: an Objective Prospective Outcome Study. 66th Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting (CSPS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2012, Volume 20, Number 2, Page 125, Abstract 59
Al-Ajmi H, Jamal B, Tahiri Y, Mok E, Gilardino M. Montreal Children’s Hospital Formula for NAM Therapy. 66th Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting (CSPS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2012, Volume 20, Number 2, Page 134, Abstract 89
Rizis D, Konidis J, Lessard L, Sampalis J, Tahiri Y, Nikolis A. Surgical Site Infections in Digital Replantation / Revascularization. A Review of 412 Consecutive Cases. 66th Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting (CSPS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2012, Volume 20, Number 2, Page 140, Abstract RP08
Sinno H, Izadpanah A, Tahiri Y, Thibaudeau S, Slavin SA, Lin SJ. The Impact of Living with Severe Lower Extremity Lymphedema: a Utility Outcomes Score Assessment. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2012 Oct; 130 (5S-1): 74
Kanevsky J, Vorstenbosch J, Diaz Abele J, Tahiri Y, Prakash S, Gilardino M. Development and assessment of a cutaneous tissue stretch device as a novel scar therapy. 67th Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting (CSPS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2013, Volume 21, Number 2, Page 111, Abstract 08
Tahiri Y, Viezel-Mathieu A, Aldekhayel S, Lee J, Gilardino M. A systematic review of the effectiveness of mandibular distraction in improving airway obstruction in children with mandibular hypoplasia. 67th Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting (CSPS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2013, Volume 21, Number 2, Page 128, Abstract 61
Tahiri Y, Viezel-Mathieu A, Aldekhayel S, Lee J, Gilardino M. The Effectiveness of Mandibular Distraction in Improving Airway Obstruction in the Pediatric Population. International Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ISCFS), 2013, Jackson Hole, WY
Kanevsky J, Vorstenbosch J, Diaz Abele J, Tahiri Y, Prakash S, Gilardino M. Development and assessment of a cutaneous tissue stretch device as a novel scar therapy. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2013 Oct; 132 (4S-1): 59
Aldekhayel S, Govshievich A, Lee J, Tahiri Y, Luc M. Simple vs. endoscopic cubital tunnel release: a systematic review. 42nd American Association for Hand Surgery Meeting (AAHD). Hand, 2014
Aldekhayel S, Govshievich A, Lee J, Tahiri Y, Luc M. Simple vs. endoscopic cubital tunnel release: a systematic review. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2014, Orford, QC
Tahiri Y, Wink JD, Paliga JT, Goldstein JA, Taylor JA, Bartlett SP. Maxillary Involvement in Hemifacial Microsomia: an Objective Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Craniofacial Skeleton. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2014, Orford, QC
Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Wes AM, Goldstein J, Whitaker LA, Bartlett S, Taylor JA. A critical evaluation of long-term aesthetic outcomes fronto-orbital advancement and cranial vault remodeling in the treatment of non-syndromic unicoronal craniosynostosis. Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec (ASCPEQ), 2014, Orford, QC
Paliga JT, Wes AM, Goldstein J, Whitaker LA, Bartlett S, Taylor JA, Tahiri Y. A critical evaluation of long-term aesthetic outcomes fronto-orbital advancement and cranial vault remodeling in the treatment of non-syndromic unicoronal craniosynostosis. 71st American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association. Abstract 56
Silvestre J, Paliga JT, Tahiri Y, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA. Incidence of positive screening for obstructive sleep apnea for patients with isolated cleft lip and/or palate. 71st American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association. Abstract 68
Silvestre J, Paliga JT, Tahiri Y, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA. Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children with Syndromic Cleft Lip and/or Palate. 71st American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association. Abstract 118
Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Wink JD, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA. Cranial Base Deviation in Hemifacial Microsomia: an Objective Craniometric Analysis. 71st American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association. Abstract 178
Silvestre J, Paliga JT, Tahiri Y, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA. Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children treated at a Major Craniofacial Center. 71st American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association. Abstract 241
Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Wes AM, Whitaker LA, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA. A comparative analysis of complications associated with intracranial procedures in 746 patients with nonsyndromic single suture craniosynostosis. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Apr; 133(4 Suppl): 974-5
Samra F, Paliga JT, Tahiri Y, Whitaker LA, Bartlett SP, Forbes BJ, TaylorJA. The Prevalence of Strabismus in Unilateral Coronal Synostosis. 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons May 2014
Paliga JT, Tahiri Y, Wink JD, Paine KM, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA. A case-control study of cranial base deviation in hemifacial microsomia by craniometric analysis. 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons May 2014
Paine KM, Paliga JT, Tahiri Y, Fischer JP, Wes AM, Wink JD, Gelder CH, Taylor JA. An assessment of 30-day complications in primary cleft palate repair – A review of the 2012 ACS NSQIP Pediatric. 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons May 2014.
Viezel-Mathieu A, Diaz Abele J, Aldekhayel S, Al-Humsi T, Tahiri Y, Gilardino M. Increased fistula rate following cleft palate repair in adopted children. 68th Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting (CSPS). The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Summer 2014, Abstract 71
Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA. New-Onset Craniosynostosis Following Posterior Vault Distraction Osteogenesis. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 31st Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons (NESPS), 2104, Providence Biltmore, Providence, RI, Abstract # 45
Samra F, Paliga JT, Tahiri Y, Whitaker LA, Bartlett SP, Forbes BJ, Taylor JA. The Prevalence of Strabismus In Unilateral Coronal Craniosynostosis. 31st Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons (NESPS), 2104, Providence Biltmore, Providence, RI, Abstract # 94
Paine KM, Paliga JT, Fischer J, Tahiri Y, Taylor JA. An Assessment of 30-Day Complications in Primary Cleft Palate Repair – A Review of the 2012 ACS NSQIP Pediatric. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Oct;134(4 Suppl 1):9
Paine KM, Tahiri Y, Fischer J, Wes A, Wink J, Taylor JA. The Status of Cleft Lip Repair – An Assessment Using the 2012 ACS NSQIP Pediatric. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Oct; 134 (4 Suppl 1): 9-10
Samra F, Paliga JT, Tahiri Y, Whitaker LA, Bartlett SP, Forbes BJ, Taylor JA. The prevalence of strabismus in unilateral coronal synostosis. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Oct; 134 (4 Suppl 1): 19-20
Costa M, Ackerman L, Greathouse ST, Tholpady S, Tahiri Y, Flores RL. Cranial vault expansion in the setting of multisuture craniosynostosis and anomalous venous drainage: a method of avoiding intracranial venous hypertension. American Cleft Palate Association, Abstract 221, 2015, Palm Springs, CA
Semra F, Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA. New-Onset Craniosynostosis Following Posterior Vault Distraction Osteogenesis. American Cleft Palate Association, Abstract 91, 2015, Palm Springs, CA
Tuin AJ, Tahiri Y, Paine KM, Paliga JT, Taylor JA, Bartlett SP. Clarifying the relationships between the different features of the OMENS + classification in Craniofacial Microsomia. American Cleft Palate Association, Abstract 155, 2015, Palm Springs, CA
Greathouse ST, Tholpady SS, Sood R, Havlik R, Flores RL, Tahiri Y. Mandibular distraction osteogenesis in the very small with Robin Sequence: Is it safe? American Cleft Palate Association, Abstract 167, 2015, Palm Springs, CA
Tuin AJ, Tahiri Y, Paliga JT, Taylor JA, Bartlett SP. Distinguishing Goldenhar Syndrome from Craniofacial Microsomia. American Cleft Palate Association, Abstract 158, 2015, Palm Springs, CA
Tahiri Y, Chang C, Tuin J, Paliga JT, Lowe KS, Taylor JA, Bartlett SP. Costochondral Grafting in Craniofacial Microsomia. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Apr; 135 (4): 1208
Tahiri Y, Greathouse ST, Tholpady SS, Sood R, Havlik R, Flores RL. Mandibular distraction osteogenesis in the very small with Robin Sequence: Is it safe? Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Apr; 135 (4): 1179
Tahiri Y, Tuin AJ, Paine KM, Paliga JT, Taylor JA, Bartlett SP. Clarifying the relationships between the different features of the OMENS + classification in Craniofacial Microsomia. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Apr; 135 (4S): 1179
Soleimani T, Evans TA, Sood R, Hartman BC, Tahiri Y, Flores RL, Tholpady SS. Predictors of Reconstructive Surgery Among Burn Patients. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Oct;136(4 Suppl):126.
Greathouse ST, Fernandez S, Tahiri Y, Tholpady SS, Flores RL. Restoration of Sensibility Following Intentional Infra-Orbital Nerve Transection in Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Oct;136(4 Suppl):5.